I have an application that uses the binance api to trade and do some other stuff. The app worked fine for like 2 years, but one day it stopped working. So i decided to create a basic script to validate the core functionality of the api. I did everything exactly like its described in several offical docs and tutorials but its still not working as expected. Here is my code:
from binance import Client, ThreadedWebsocketManager
api_key = 'my_key'
api_secret = 'my_secret'
client = Client(api_key, api_secret)
def process_message(msg):
print("message type: {}".format(msg['e']))
twm = ThreadedWebsocketManager(api_key=api_key, api_secret=api_secret)
ret = twm.start_kline_socket(callback=process_message, symbol='BTCEUR', interval='1m')
So, what happens at all? The twm is created and my print statement returns
thats all. I expected the script to call the process_message func every 1 minute, but it does not get called after a 1 min session has completed.
I have seen some similar troubles with older versions, have tried all possible solutions but I wasn´t able to fix it.
I am using the latest python-binance version, v1.0.19 - 2023-08-11 and python 3.12.3
python 3.12 is not well supported by all libraries.
You should use python 3.11 for production.
You can also try to upgrade all dependencies, especially aiohttp.