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Quicksort segmentation fault

I implemented a quicksort algorithm in C and works properly in vectors with less that 30000 elements. But, it's get a segmentation fault in line

swap(&vet[sup], &vet[(sup-inf+1)/2]);

with bigger vectors. This is the full algorithm:

void swap(int* a, int* b){
    int temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;
int partition(int inf, int sup, int vet[]){
    while (inf<sup){
        while (vet[inf]<=vet[sup] && inf<sup){inf++;}
        while (vet[inf]<=vet[sup] && inf<sup){sup--;}
        if (inf<sup){swap(&vet[inf], &vet[sup]);}
    return inf;
void median (int inf, int sup, int vet[]){ //select the median of the first, last and midle value of the vector
    if (vet[inf]>vet[(sup-inf+1)/2])
        swap(&vet[inf], &vet[(sup-inf+1/2)]);
    if (vet[sup]>vet[(sup-inf+1)/2])
        swap(&vet[sup], &vet[(sup-inf+1)/2]);  
    else if (vet[sup]<vet[inf])
        swap(&vet[sup], &vet[inf]);    
void quicksort(int inf, int sup, int vet[]){
    if (inf<sup){
        median(inf, sup, vet);    
        int piv=partition(inf, sup, vet);
        quicksort(inf, piv-1, vet);
        quicksort(piv+1, sup, vet);

I'm tried to write the quicksort which the minimal declaration of variables as possible, but it still getting a segmentation fault. I'm don't know if it's a stack overflow or is a problem with the pointer that only happens with bigger vectors.

Sorry for my bad English, I'm still learning


  • There are multiple problems in your code:

    • your coding style is hard to read and debug: for example cramming the test and the swapping code on the same line makes it impossible to tell which part causes the crash. Write a single statement per line and break control statements on multiple lines.

    • the swapping code xor trick is obsolete: it is cryptic, potentially undefined and inefficient, Worse even: it does not work if a and b point to the same location. Use the simpler code:

      void swap(int *a, int *b) {
          int temp = *a;
          *a = *b;
          *b = temp;
    • the partition code is incorrect: you must save the initial value of sup so all comparisons are performed with the pivot value and you must swap the pivot to the final inf index:

      int partition(int inf, int sup, int vet[]) {
          int pivot = sup;
          while (inf < sup) {
              while (vet[inf] <= vet[pivot] && inf < sup) {
              while (vet[sup] >= vet[pivot] && inf < sup) {
              swap(&vet[inf], &vet[sup]);
          swap(&vet[inf], &vet[pivot]);
          return inf;
    • it is possible, although unlikely that the dataset provided to your code be crafted to cause a stack overflow. You might want to study the classic article by Doug McIlroy: A killer adversary to QuickSort that explains how to construct such a vector. A simple counter measure that prevents potential stack overflow but does not reduce the quadratic time complexity is easy to implement: only recurse on the smaller half and loop on the larger half.

    • a more likely the reason for the crash is you do not select the middle element in the slice with sup/2+1, you should write (inf + (sup - inf + 1) / 2, hence the pivot is not correctly selected so the algorithm may recurse too many times even for a random vector.

    Here is a modified version:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <time.h>
    void swap(int *a, int *b) {
        int temp = *a;
        *a = *b;
        *b = temp;
    int partition(int inf, int sup, int vet[]) {
        int pivot = sup;
        while (inf < sup) {
            while (vet[inf] <= vet[pivot] && inf < sup) {
            while (vet[sup] >= vet[pivot] && inf < sup) {
            swap(&vet[inf], &vet[sup]);
        swap(&vet[inf], &vet[pivot]);
        return inf;
    // Select the median of the first, last and middle value of the vector
    // and move it to vet[sup]
    void median(int inf, int sup, int vet[]) {
        int m = inf + (sup - inf + 1) / 2;
        // set vet[m] = min(vet[inf], vet[m])
        if (vet[inf] > vet[m]) {
            swap(&vet[inf], &vet[m]);
        if (vet[sup] > vet[m]) {
            // set vet[sup] = min(vet[sup], min(vet[m], vet[inf]))
            swap(&vet[sup], &vet[m]);
        } else
        if (vet[sup] < vet[inf]) {
            // set vet[sup] = min(vet[sup], max(vet[m], vet[inf]))
            swap(&vet[sup], &vet[inf]);
    void quicksort(int inf, int sup, int vet[]) {
        while (inf < sup) {
            median(inf, sup, vet);    
            int piv = partition(inf, sup, vet);
            // recurse on the smaller half, loop on the other half
            if (piv - inf < sup - piv) {
                quicksort(inf, piv - 1, vet);
                inf = piv + 1;
            } else {
                quicksort(piv + 1, sup, vet);
                sup = piv - 1;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        size_t n = argc < 2 ? 30000 : strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0);
        int *array = calloc(n, sizeof(*array));
        int res = 0;
        if (array == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "cannot allocate memory for %zu elements\n", n);
            return 1;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            array[i] = rand();
        quicksort(0, n - 1, array);
        for (size_t i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            if (array[i] < array[i - 1]) {
                printf("sort error at %zu: %d > %d\n",
                       i, array[i - 1], array[i]);
                res = 1;
        return res;