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Is there a way to use Linear and Mixed Integer Programming to create groups while Minimizing the Average within the group in R?

I have a list of animals with their parents, that is used to calculate the relationship between them. I am using the Rsymphony R package to generate matings where each female is crosses only once and each male is crossed twice. See bellow a reproducible example.


Pedig = data.table(
  Indiv = as.character(c( 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7, 8,  9, 10, 11, 12)),
  Sire  = as.character(c(NA, NA, NA,  2,  1,  1, NA, 2,  2,  3,  3,  1)),
  Dam   = as.character(c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,  5,  5, 6,  7,  8, 10,  9)),
  Sex   = as.character(c( 1,  1,  1,  1,  2,  2,  2, 2,  2,  2,  2,  2))
Pedig[, Sex := data.table::fifelse(Sex =="1", "male", "female")]
pKin  <- matrix(
    0.500000,  0.0000,  0.000,  0.00000, 0.250000, 0.375000, 0.1250000, 0.1875000, 0.06250000, 0.09375000, 0.04687500, 0.28125000,
    0.000000,  0.5000,  0.000,  0.25000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.0000000, 0.2500000, 0.25000000, 0.12500000, 0.06250000, 0.12500000,
    0.000000,  0.0000,  0.500,  0.00000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.00000000, 0.25000000, 0.37500000, 0.00000000,
    0.000000,  0.2500,  0.000,  0.50000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.0000000, 0.1250000, 0.12500000, 0.06250000, 0.03125000, 0.06250000,
    0.250000,  0.0000,  0.000,  0.00000, 0.500000, 0.375000, 0.2500000, 0.1875000, 0.12500000, 0.09375000, 0.04687500, 0.18750000,
    0.375000,  0.0000,  0.000,  0.00000, 0.375000, 0.625000, 0.1875000, 0.3125000, 0.09375000, 0.15625000, 0.07812500, 0.23437500,
    0.125000,  0.0000,  0.000,  0.00000, 0.250000, 0.187500, 0.5000000, 0.0937500, 0.25000000, 0.04687500, 0.02343750, 0.18750000,
    0.187500,  0.2500,  0.000,  0.12500, 0.187500, 0.312500, 0.0937500, 0.5000000, 0.17187500, 0.25000000, 0.12500000, 0.17968750,
    0.062500,  0.2500,  0.000,  0.12500, 0.125000, 0.093750, 0.2500000, 0.1718750, 0.50000000, 0.08593750, 0.04296875, 0.28125000,
    0.093750,  0.1250,  0.250,  0.06250, 0.093750, 0.156250, 0.0468750, 0.2500000, 0.08593750, 0.50000000, 0.37500000, 0.08984375,
    0.046875,  0.0625,  0.375,  0.03125, 0.046875, 0.078125, 0.0234375, 0.1250000, 0.04296875, 0.37500000, 0.62500000, 0.04492188,
    0.281250,  0.1250,  0.000,  0.06250, 0.187500, 0.234375, 0.1875000, 0.1796875, 0.28125000, 0.08984375, 0.04492188, 0.53125000),
  nrow = 12

rownames(pKin) <- colnames(pKin) <- Pedig[["Indiv"]]

Kin  <- pKin[Pedig[Sex == "female"][["Indiv"]], Pedig[Sex == "male"][["Indiv"]]]
Zeros <- 0*Kin

rhsM <- rep(nrow(Kin)/ncol(Kin), ncol(Kin))
ConM <- NULL
for(k in 1:length(rhsM)){
  Con <- Zeros
  Con[, k] <- 1
  ConM <- rbind(ConM, c(Con))

rhsF <- rep(1, nrow(Kin))
ConF <- NULL
for(k in 1:length(rhsF)){
  Con <- Zeros
  Con[k, ] <- 1
  ConF <- rbind(ConF, c(Con))

A <- rbind(ConF, ConM)
RHS <- c(rhsF, rhsM)
ub.n <- 1
Bounds <- list(upper=list(ind=1:(length(rhsM)*length(rhsF)), val=rep(ub.n, length(rhsM)*length(rhsF))))
Dir <- rep("==", length(RHS))

# Rsymphony_solve_LP
res <- Rsymphony::Rsymphony_solve_LP(
  obj = c(Kin),
  mat = A,
  dir = Dir,
  rhs = RHS,
  bounds = Bounds,
  types = "I",
  max = FALSE
Solution <- matrix(res$solution, nrow=nrow(Zeros), ncol=ncol(Zeros))
Solution <-
colnames(Solution) <- colnames(Kin)
Solution[, ID1 := rownames(Kin)]
Solution <- melt(Solution, id.vars="ID1","ID2","n", variable.factor = FALSE)
Solution <- Solution[n>0]
Solution[, Value := pKin[ID2, ID1], by = .I]

The solution to this simple example is shown below.

      ID1    ID2     n    Value
1:      9      1     1 0.062500
2:     11      1     1 0.046875
3:      5      2     1 0.000000
4:      7      2     1 0.000000
5:      8      3     1 0.000000
6:     12      3     1 0.000000
7:      6      4     1 0.000000
8:     10      4     1 0.062500

I am looking for a way to minimize the relationship of a Group instead of each pair of mating, in a way that the desired solution looks like the following table. In this case, I would like to provide the number of Groups (2) and the algorithm would create 2 groups with equal number of males and females. In this case, each group would have 2 males and 4 females.

         ID1     ID2       Value     Group
1:  9,11,5,7     1,2    0.027343         A
2: 8,12,6,10     3,4    0.015625         B

Can anyone help me with this problem?

Thank you.


  • Here's a solution using the ompr package for model formulation.

    You want to minimize the relationships within a group. I believe this can be achieved by minimizing the difference between groups. Therefore, to achieve your desired result, I am minimizing the mating pair relationship values and the difference in sum of relationship values between groups.

    See code comments below for model explanations. Note that I have redefined the male and female IDs to increment from 1 to keep the code simple. I am using glpk solver but you can use any you want.

    # library(ROI.plugin.symphony)
    n_males <- 4
    n_females <- 8
    n_groups <- 2
    males_per_group <- n_males / n_groups
    # for 4 males and 8 females, pKin matrix should be 4x8
    # assuming rows 1:4 represent the 4 males and columns 5:12 represent the 8 females
    pKin <- pKin[1:4, 5:12]
    pKin_df <- data.frame(
        m = c(t(row(pKin))),
        f = c(t(col(pKin))),
        pKin_value = c(t(pKin))
    # model variables
    # x[m, f, g] = 1 if male m and female f are paired and assigned to group g else 0
    # y[m, g] = 1 if male m is assigned to group g else 0
    # slack[g] = pKin difference between group 1 and other groups
    # max_slack = max pKin difference between group 1 and other groups
    model <- MIPModel() %>% 
        add_variable(x[m, f, g], m = 1:n_males, f = 1:n_females, g = 1:n_groups, type = "binary") %>% 
        add_variable(y[m, g], m = 1:n_males, g = 1:n_groups, type = "binary") %>% 
        add_variable(slack[g], g = 1:n_groups, type = "continuous", lb = 0) %>% 
        add_variable(max_slack, type = 'continuous', lb = 0) %>% 
            # males can/must mate with 2 females
            sum_over(x[m, f, g], f = 1:n_females, g = 1:n_groups) == 2, m = 1:n_males
        ) %>% 
            # females can/must mate with only 1 male
            sum_over(x[m, f, g], m = 1:n_males, g = 1:n_groups) == 1, f = 1:n_females
        ) %>% 
            # m-f pair can belong to a group only if m assigned to that group
            x[m, f, g] <= y[m, g], m = 1:n_males, f = 1:n_females, g = 1:n_groups
        ) %>% 
            # each male can belong to only 1 group
            sum_over(y[m, g], g = 1:n_groups) == 1, m = 1:n_males
        ) %>% 
            # max males per group
            sum_over(y[m, g], m = 1:n_males) == males_per_group, g = 1:n_groups
        ) %>% 
            # minimize relationships within group
            sum_over(x[m, f, 1] * pKin[m, f], m = 1:n_males, f = 1:n_females) + slack[g] == sum_over(x[m, f, g] * pKin[m, f], m = 1:n_males, f = 1:n_females),
            g = 2:n_groups
        ) %>%
            # get max slack[g]
            slack[g] <= max_slack, g = 1:n_groups
        ) %>% 
            sum_over(x[m, f, g] * pKin[m, f], m = 1:n_males, f = 1:n_females, g = 1:n_groups) + max_slack,
            sense = "min"
    result <- model %>% 
        solve_model(with_ROI(solver = "glpk"))
    result %>% 
        get_solution(x[m, f, g]) %>% 
        filter(value == 1) %>% 
        select(-value) %>% 
        arrange(m) %>% 
        left_join(pKin_df, by = c('m', 'f')) %>% 
        group_by(group = g) %>% 
            males = toString(unique(m)),
            females = toString(unique(f)),
            pKin_value = mean(pKin_value)
    # A tibble: 2 × 4
      group males females    pKin_value
      <int> <chr> <chr>           <dbl>
    1     1 3, 4  4, 8, 1, 6     0.0156
    2     2 1, 2  5, 7, 2, 3     0.0273