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How to declare self-referencing foreign key with Drizzle ORM

In a Typescript project, declaring a table using Drizzle on postgres-node as follows:

const contractsTable = pgTable("contracts", {
    id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
    underlyingId: integer("underlying_id").references(() =>,

results in the following Typescript error:

'contractsTable' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in its own initializer.

Maintaining a separate type would be impractical because the schema is massive and is subject to change.

Is there a way to get Typescript to infer the correct type? I failed to do this through aliasing or casting the PgIntegerBuilderInitial type.

We also define a relationship as follows:

const contractsRelations = relations(
    ({ one, many }) => ({
        underlying: one(contractsTable, {
            fields: [contractsTable.underlyingId],
            references: [],

but I do need the database level constraint. Any ideas?


  • You can create a self reference in the table being created by doing

    export const contractsTable = pgTable(
        id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
        underlyingId: integer("underlying_id"),
      (table) => {
        return {
          parentReference: foreignKey({
            columns: [table.underlyingId],
            foreignColumns: [],
            name: "contracts_underlying_id_fkey",

    Correctly generated the foreign key.

    Taken from Discord conversations and tested on

       drizzle-kit 0.21.4
       drizzle-orm 0.30.10