Hi I work on some improvments and I came across some issue with changing string with name of my icon component to lower case which generate a error becuasue icons are not showed :/ Everything works before fine because I passed original name of components in the right places. code of function with problem:
function generateIconComponent(IconName: string): JSX.Element {
<div id='iconComponent'>
<IconName size='56' />
At the picture after run of code in marked place should be "Binoculars" instead "binoculars". Also I cant use another additional outer libs to achieve this goal!!!
I looked for answer on forum and I found https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29875869/react-jsx-dynamic-component-name&ved=2ahUKEwjl0qW-pKaGAxV_JBAIHdE2DvoQFnoECCMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2k4vouwBkA8S324WfJfDI9 but it wasn't helpful.
In order to achieve this, you would need a mapping, to map a key to an icon. For example:
const iconMapping = {
'Binoculars': Binoculars, // this is the actual icon
and then your generateIconComponent
can be changed to:
function generateIconComponent(IconName: string): JSX.Element {
// Use the passed string to select the appropriate component from the mapping
const IconComponent = iconMapping[IconName];
return (
<div id='iconComponent'>
<IconComponent />