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Crop raster with shapefile that has different projections

I tried to terra::crop() a SpatRaster (e.g. from the ForestClim database downloaded from here [6GB download]) with a shapefile, to keep only data for Belgium:

# shapefile
ISO <- countrycode("Belgium", origin = '', destination = 'iso3c')
shp <- gadm(country=ISO, level=0, 
            path = tempdir(), 
crs(shp) <- "epsg:4326"

# raster
r <- rast(~/Downloads/ForestClim_01.tif) # download link above
crs(r) <- "epsg:4326"

# crop
cr <- crop(r, shp, mask=TRUE, overwrite=TRUE)
Error: [crop] extents do not overlap

I have tried to understand this error but without success. I don't understand why this doesn't work as it worked perfectly with my CHELSA data.


  • As noted in the previous answer, both files have difference CRS. In these cases, it is often easier to project an sf/SpatVector object to match the target raster rather than the other way around. I have included some code to help you identify the CRS for your r object. The CRS is a PROJ4 string, which R is moving away from in favour of EPSG codes. Fortunately, there are online resources such as where you can search for equivalent codes (in this case, EPSG:3035). If you need the output in WGS84/EPSG:4326, comment below and I will update my answer.

    # Shapefile converted to sf object (no need to assign CRS as it already has one)
    ISO <- countrycode("Belgium", origin = '', destination = 'iso3c')
    shp <- gadm(country=ISO, level=0, 
                path = tempdir(), 
                version="latest") %>%
    # Raster
    r <- rast("ForestClim_01.tif")
    # Return CRS of r
    crs(r, proj = TRUE)
    # [1] "+proj=laea +lat_0=52 +lon_0=10 +x_0=4321000 +y_0=3210000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs"
    # Project shp to match CRS of ForestClim_01.tif using EPSG code found @
    shp3035 <- st_transform(shp, 3035)
    # First try crop and mask combined
    cr <- crop(r, shp3035, mask = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
    # If crop and mask combined does not work, then run them separately
    cr <- crop(r, shp3035, overwrite = TRUE)
    cr <- mask(cr, shp3035, overwrite = TRUE)
    ggplot() +
      geom_spatraster(data = cr) +
      geom_sf(data = shp3035, fill = NA) +
      scale_fill_continuous(na.value = "transparent")
