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Unique constraint violation on auth_user_pkey in Wagtail

I created a user import view (with Django's User model) for a new Wagtail app, which works well. I did a few tests, and ended up with IDs for my test users in the range of 140-150 on my development machine. Afterwards, I transferred the DB to a test machine.

When I tried to create a new user via the Wagtail admin interface on the test machine, a unique constraint violation for auth_user_pkey was returned. But the offending new ID was close to the highest existing ID, so after three more tries, I arrived at an unused ID and was able to create the new account.

What is going on here? Why does Wagtail try to (re-)use existing IDs, and how can I prevent the issue?


  • Depending on the details of how you transferred the database, this is probably to do with how your Postgres DB tracked the sequence used to get the primary key / ids. So not something the Wagtail layer controls directly.