Search code examples

How to provided multiple permission in bicep for accesspolicy

This is the bicep format for table access policy

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices/tables@2023-01-01' = {
  name: 'string'
  parent: resourceSymbolicName
  properties: {
    signedIdentifiers: [
        accessPolicy: {
          expiryTime: 'string'
          permission: 'string'
          startTime: 'string'
        id: 'string'
permission List of abbreviated permissions. Supported permission values include 'r','a','u','d' string (required)

so i need to give permission of read and update. but the expected vaule is string and i am not sure how to provide muliple access permission


  • There are very few official sample codes about this, I find an community one, it is about fileshares, but has the same pattern for tables

    resource share 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/shares@2022-09-01' = {
      name: 'fileshare'
      parent: fileService
      properties: {
        shareQuota: 100 //This is GB
        enabledProtocols: 'SMB'
        signedIdentifiers: [
            accessPolicy: {
              startTime: '2023-03-17T08:49:37.0000000Z'
              expiryTime: '2028-03-17T08:49:37.0000000Z'
              permission: 'rcl' //read, create, list
            id: 'readcreatelist'

    Just change the sample permission 'rcl' to 'raud'