Recently I have been trying to reproduce the result of, however, I run into the loss explosion every time after evaluating. I am using cifar-10 dataset from official site.
For instance,
python cifar16 --train --dataset cifar10 --encode_length 16 --cuda
(defaultly setting validate_frequency=20
), the code would evaluate the performance of itself after epoch=20
and would continue training, the loss explosion problem occurs in epoch=21
.python cifar16 --train --dataset cifar10 --encode_length 16 --cuda --validate_frequency=3
, setting validate_frequency=3
, the loss explosion occurs in epoch=4
, stably.Here's its run_training_session
def run_training_session(self, run_num, logger):
# Scramble hyperparameters if number of runs is greater than 1.
if self.hparams.num_runs > 1:
logger.log('RANDOM RUN: %d/%d' % (run_num, self.hparams.num_runs))
for hparam, values in self.get_hparams_grid().items():
assert hasattr(self.hparams, hparam)
self.hparams.__dict__[hparam] = random.choice(values)
# if encode_length is 16, then al least 80 epochs!
if self.hparams.encode_length == 16:
self.hparams.epochs = max(80, self.hparams.epochs)
logger.log('hparams: %s' % self.flag_hparams())
device = torch.device('cuda' if self.hparams.cuda else 'cpu')
optimizer = self.configure_optimizers()
train_loader, val_loader, _, database_loader =
self.hparams.batch_size, self.hparams.num_workers,
shuffle_train=True, get_test=False)
best_val_perf = float('-inf')
best_state_dict = None
bad_epochs = 0
for epoch in range(1, self.hparams.epochs + 1):
forward_sum = {}
num_steps = 0
for batch_num, batch in enumerate(train_loader):
imgi, imgj, _ = batch
imgi =
imgj =
forward = self.forward(imgi, imgj, device)
for key in forward:
if key in forward_sum:
forward_sum[key] += forward[key]
forward_sum[key] = forward[key]
num_steps += 1
if math.isnan(forward_sum['loss']):
logger.log('Stopping epoch because loss is NaN')
if math.isnan(forward_sum['loss']):
logger.log('Stopping training session because loss is NaN')
logger.log('End of epoch {:3d}'.format(epoch), False)
logger.log(' '.join([' | {:s} {:8.4f}'.format(
key, forward_sum[key] / num_steps)
for key in forward_sum]), True)
if epoch % self.hparams.validate_frequency == 0:
val_perf = self.evaluate(database_loader, val_loader,, device)
logger.log(' | val perf {:8.4f}'.format(val_perf), False)
if val_perf > best_val_perf:
best_val_perf = val_perf
bad_epochs = 0
logger.log('\t\t*Best model so far, deep copying*')
best_state_dict = deepcopy(self.state_dict())
bad_epochs += 1
logger.log('\t\tBad epoch %d' % bad_epochs)
if bad_epochs > self.hparams.num_bad_epochs:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logger.log('-' * 89)
logger.log('Exiting from training early')
return best_state_dict, best_val_perf
And here's the forward
function of CIBHash model:
def forward(self, imgi, imgj, device):
imgi = self.vgg.features(imgi)
imgi = imgi.view(imgi.size(0), -1)
imgi = self.vgg.classifier(imgi)
prob_i = torch.sigmoid(self.encoder(imgi))
z_i = hash_layer(prob_i - torch.empty_like(prob_i).uniform_().to(prob_i.device))
imgj = self.vgg.features(imgj)
imgj = imgj.view(imgj.size(0), -1)
imgj = self.vgg.classifier(imgj)
prob_j = torch.sigmoid(self.encoder(imgj))
z_j = hash_layer(prob_j - torch.empty_like(prob_j).uniform_().to(prob_j.device))
kl_loss = (self.compute_kl(prob_i, prob_j) + self.compute_kl(prob_j, prob_i)) / 2
contra_loss = self.criterion(z_i, z_j, device)
loss = contra_loss + self.hparams.weight * kl_loss
return {'loss': loss, 'contra_loss': contra_loss, 'kl_loss': kl_loss}
I have tried to replace to z_i
and z_j
as instructed in, however, it failed to prevent the NaN problem.
I have tried gradient_gripping
method but it came into no use.
According to the reply of the author, they didn't come across any NaN problem when they were training the model. (
I expect the code to finish training session without the occurrence of NaN problem. Can anyone be so kind to tell me what factor may cause this problem? Or is there any potential solution to the NaN loss problem?
It turns out that this problem is caused by lack of GPU memory and some kind of unknown bug in some previous CUDA versions?
I have tried:
Here's some information of difference performance on different GPUs that I have gathered or tried:
My Machine:
2080Ti Machine:
Colab Environment:
A40 GPU Environment:
In conclusion, I suspect that the MemoryError issue was not properly handled in older versions of CUDA, as reported in CUDA errors like "out of memory" may also lead to NaN results.
My suspicion is that older versions of CUDA may lack a proper error handling mechanism for NaN caused by insufficient memory, however, I have too few evidence of this problem. If anyone knows more specific detail of this problem, please contact me!