Have you ever experienced the NavigationLink not working sometimes, but when you scroll the list to the bottom or do something else, the navigation is triggered?
NavigationView {
List {
//.... some views
NavigationLink(destination: destinationView(),
isActive: $isShowDestination) {
Answer: After several attempts, I found that when I tap to push (altering isShowDestination/isActive variable), navigation does not go to the Destination view, but when I scroll list to the bottom, it automatically triggers and goes to the Destination view.
Then I realized that because the List has many views, when I scroll down, an onAppear kind of some event occurs, triggering the NavigationLink to work.
Then I added a VStack and placed the NavigationLink inside the List, and it started working well.
NavigationView {
VStack {
List {
//.... some views
NavigationLink(destination: destinationView(),
isActive: $isShowDestination) {
I hope this will help at least one of you.🙋
In Your case, you are providing 2 screens in NavigationView
NavigationView {
List { }
/*some views*/ }= List as Screen1
} }
NavigationLink( }
destination: destinationView(), }
isActive: $isShowDestination }= EmptyView as Screen2
) { }
EmptyView() }
} }
In SwiftUI:
1). NavigationView
should only contain one main home view only.
2). Try to write All the NavigationLink
(specially isActive
one) at top.
3). Remove EmptyView()
NavigationView {
VStack {
destination: destinationView(),
isActive: $isShowDestination
) { }
List {
/*some views*/
in your case, VStack
is only 'one & only main home view'.
All "push" work done by it.