I need to handle data in tables using mat view.
CREATE TABLE test.zone
`id` UInt32,
`district` String,
`city` String,
`polygon` Polygon
ENGINE = Memory;
CREATE TABLE test.source1
id UInt32,
point Point
ENGINE = Null;
CREATE TABLE test.by_zone1
`id` UInt32,
`zone_id` UInt32,
`count` UInt32
ENGINE = AggregatingMergeTree
ORDER BY (zone_id, id);
TO test.by_zone1
z.id AS zone_id,
s.id AS id,
count(s.id) AS count
FROM test.`source1` s
JOIN test.`zone` z ON pointInPolygon(s.point, z.polygon)
GROUP BY z.id, s.id;
For materialized view I got this error
SQL Error [403] [07000]: Code: 403. DB::Exception: JOIN test.source1 AS __table1
ALL INNER JOIN test.zone AS __table2 ON pointInPolygon(__table1.point, __table2.polygon)
join expression contains column from left and right table, you may try experimental support
of this feature by `SET allow_experimental_join_condition = 1`. (INVALID_JOIN_ON_EXPRESSION)
(version (official build))
Am I right that I can't use pointInPolygon
in this case or there is some mistake in query?
I wouldn't recommend doing joins on a MV - the hash table needs to be built for all insert blocks. This is going to dramatically slow down inserts.
You should try to use a dictionary or Engine=JOIN table - the latter will ensure the hash table is pre-built in memory. For your usecase you can use a polygon dictionary to hold your zone data (depends on size and example https://clickhouse.com/blog/real-world-data-noaa-climate-data)
Note this join will only be triggered for inserts into source1.
If you must do what you are doing include 'SETTINGS allow_experimental_join_condition = 1' in your MV query.