Looking into Kohana documentation, i found this really usefull function that they use to get values from a multidimensional array using a dot notation, for example:
$foo = array('bar' => array('color' => 'green', 'size' => 'M'));
$value = path($foo, 'bar.color', NULL , '.');
// $value now is 'green'
Im wondering if there is a way to set the an array value in the same way:
set_value($foo, 'bar.color', 'black');
The only way i found to do that is re-building the array notation ($array['bar']['color']) and then set the value.. using eval
Any idea to avoid eval?
function set_val(array &$arr, $path,$val)
$loc = &$arr;
foreach(explode('.', $path) as $step)
$loc = &$loc[$step];
return $loc = $val;