I have a code as below. The month May should be in Quarter 1
but QUARTER('Calendar'[Date])
seems not producing the same output. Is there a reason for that? many thanks in advance.
get_current_quarter =
QUARTER(TODAY()) = QUARTER('Calendar'[Date]),
YEAR(TODAY()) = YEAR('Calendar'[Date])
Based on the answer I provided here, you can add a calculated column where you consider that your fiscal year starts from May of each year :
IsCurrentQuarter =
VAR CurrentDate = TODAY()
VAR CurrentMonth = MONTH(CurrentDate)
VAR CurrentYear = YEAR(CurrentDate)
VAR CurrentFiscalYear = IF(CurrentMonth >= 5, CurrentYear, CurrentYear - 1)
VAR CurrentFiscalQuarter = SWITCH(
CurrentMonth >= 5 && CurrentMonth <= 7, 1,
CurrentMonth >= 8 && CurrentMonth <= 10, 2,
CurrentMonth >= 11 && CurrentMonth <= 1, 3,
CurrentMonth >= 2 && CurrentMonth <= 4, 4
IF (
[Fiscal Year] = CurrentFiscalYear &&
[Fiscal Quarter] = CurrentFiscalQuarter,
Same for June and July :
Different for August which belongs to the 2nd quarter of the fiscal year and is not current comparing to the current date :