I am trying to create AWS EFS Access Points dynamically thru terraform.
Firstly, here is the code that I am using:
resource "aws_efs_access_point" "this" {
for_each = { for k, v in var.access_points : k => v if var.create }
file_system_id = var.aws_efs_file_system_id
dynamic "posix_user" {
for_each = try([each.value.posix_user], [])
content {
gid = posix_user.value.gid
uid = posix_user.value.uid
secondary_gids = try(posix_user.value.secondary_gids, null)
dynamic "root_directory" {
for_each = try([each.value.root_directory], [])
content {
path = try(root_directory.value.path, null)
dynamic "creation_info" {
for_each = try([root_directory.value.creation_info], [])
content {
owner_gid = creation_info.value.owner_gid
owner_uid = creation_info.value.owner_uid
permissions = creation_info.value.permissions
/*tags = merge(
try(each.value.tags, {}),
{ Name = try(each.value.name, each.key) },
variable "create" {
description = "Determines whether resources will be created (affects all resources)"
type = bool
default = true
variable "access_points" {
description = "A map of access point definitions to create"
type = any
variable "aws_efs_file_system_id" {
description = "ID of Elastic File system to which access points will be associated"
type = string
/*variable "tags" {
description = "Tags"
type = string
module "EFS-ap" {
source = "../modules/xxx/xxx/accessPoints"
aws_efs_file_system_id = "fs-0bcf0c0xxxx"
access_points = {
posix_user = {
gid = 1001,
uid = 1001
root_directory = {
creation_info = {
owner_gid = 1001,
owner_uid = 1001,
permissions = 0775
path : "/hengg/git",
As a result of the above, I could see 3 access points are being created with default path forward slash with no other details populated.
I know I am not passing the values for the variable access_points in the right way which is causing this issue. But unable to figure out the right way.
I basically have to create access points dynamically for multiple root directory paths but right now, I want to make it work for single root directory path first.
I have tried multiple ways to pass the access_points variable values but no luck.
I am expecting my code to create AWS EFS Access Points dynamically.
Your current code here, is just passing a single access point definition directly to the access_points
access_points = {
posix_user = {
gid = 1001,
uid = 1001
root_directory = {
creation_info = {
owner_gid = 1001,
owner_uid = 1001,
permissions = 0775
path : "/hengg/git",
From your code comments, and the actual code in the module, it appears you expect that to be a map of access point definitions. A map of access point definitions would look like this (you have to provide a map key):
access_points = {
"my_access_point" = {
posix_user = {
gid = 1001,
uid = 1001
root_directory = {
creation_info = {
owner_gid = 1001,
owner_uid = 1001,
permissions = 0775
path : "/hengg/git",
Passing multiple access point definitions would look like this:
access_points = {
"my_access_point" = {
posix_user = {
gid = 1001,
uid = 1001
root_directory = {
creation_info = {
owner_gid = 1001,
owner_uid = 1001,
permissions = 0775
path : "/hengg/git",
"another_access_point" = {
posix_user = {
gid = 1001,
uid = 1001
root_directory = {
creation_info = {
owner_gid = 1001,
owner_uid = 1001,
permissions = 0775
path : "/hengg/git",