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replace id with _id with toObject in mongoose node.js gets wrong

I am using mongoose and node.js, here is a simple schema

const addressSchema = new mongoose.Schema({

    address: String,
    region: String,
    fullArea: Array,

  timestamps: true,
  versionKey: false,
  toObject: {
      virtuals: true,
      getters: true,
      transform: (_, ret) => {            
 = ret._id;
          delete ret._id;

I am using toObject() in order to return the data object with id instead of _id.

  const alls = await addressModel

  console.log( alls );

when printing in the console in the server side, I see the data object has the id instead of _id.

      __v: 0,
      id: new ObjectId('6645b78ade005ba6ca47310e')

but when the express server sends the same data back to the client, res.status(StatusCodes.OK).json( data );

the ultimate data received on the client side is always has _id not expected id

    { "_id":"6645b78ade005ba6ca47310e",....}

what happened ?


  • You need to use the toJSON helper instead:

    addressSchema.options.toJSON = {
        transform: function(doc, ret, options) {
   = ret._id;
            delete ret._id;