Using react json form schema form and for the 'Password' field, I have used the "ui:widget": "password" in the uiSchema. Additionally i wanted to add either to show or hide the password.
Here's another json schema renderer which can hide password with dots. The benefit is in code autocompletion: you don't need to google answers, IDE knows everything you need
Link to the playground
import { TypedField, FieldType } from "react-declarative";
import { Button } from '@mui/material';
export const fields: TypedField[] = [
type: FieldType.Outline,
fields: [
type: FieldType.Typography,
typoVariant: 'h6',
placeholder: 'Sign in',
type: FieldType.Text,
name: 'email',
inputType: 'email',
type: FieldType.Text,
name: 'password',
type: FieldType.Component,
sx: {
mt: '35px',
element: ({ email, password }) => (
<Button variant="contained" onClick={() => alert(JSON.stringify({ email, password }))}>
I found a way to toggle password visibility: to show different input field
import { TypedField, FieldType } from "react-declarative";
import { Visibility, VisibilityOff } from '@mui/icons-material';
export const fields: TypedField[] = [
type: FieldType.Text,
isVisible: ({ showPassword }) => {
return !showPassword;
inputType: 'password',
name: 'password',
trailingIcon: Visibility,
trailingIconClick: (value, data, payload, onValueChange, onChange) => {
showPassword: !data.showPassword,
type: FieldType.Text,
isVisible: ({ showPassword }) => {
return !!showPassword;
inputType: 'text',
name: 'password',
trailingIcon: VisibilityOff,
trailingIconClick: (value, data, payload, onValueChange, onChange) => {
showPassword: !data.showPassword,