I am creating 100 + leaflet maps in my shiny app. The maps are 100% of the width of the page, so when the user goes to scroll down the page it zooms the map but I would like it to continue scrolling down the page.
I've found this similar answer but I want the scrollWheelZoom to disabled all the time for every map.
Is there a way to change the Javascript to disable the scrollWheelZoom for all maps?
Shiny: Is there a way to enable mouse wheel zoom only after click on map in shiny?
Depending on how you're creating the maps, something like this should work:
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet(options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 0,
scrollWheelZoom = FALSE)) %>%
The scroolWheelZoom
property which is now built in to R shiny does the trick.