So I have this simple code to run.
import streamlit as st
I created a docker image of this code with a simple earthfile with the command earthly +all
FROM python:3.11-slim
WORKDIR /src/app
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl
RUN python -m pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install streamlit
COPY ./ /src/app/
RUN ls
ENTRYPOINT ["streamlit", "run", "/src/app/", "--server.port=8501"]
SAVE IMAGE hellobored
BUILD +streamlit
I have a Docker Compose file that looks like this:
version: '3.8'
image: hellobored
- "8501:8501"
- path: ./
action: rebuild
- path: ./
target: /src/app/
action: sync
I already tried using rebuild or sync separately, but both don't seem to work. I used docker compose up -d and docker compose watch to see the watch-related problem and received this error for the rebuild:
[+] Running 1/0manualy ✔ Container hellobored-streamlit-1 Running 0.0s can't watch service "streamlit" with action rebuild without a build context
And this error for the sync:
[+] Running 1/0 ✔ Container hellobored-streamlit-1 Running 0.0s none of the selected services is configured for watch, consider setting an 'develop' section
I can't find a way to give Docker Compose a build context for Earthly on the net, so I'm asking here. For note, I need the build to be done by Earthly because the images I create are 10GB, and Earthly can compile them in seconds. I need to watch because it would be really long to rebuild and reload manually after every change.
In your initial setup, the docker-compose-watch command failed because there was no build context specified. Docker Compose requires a build context to track changes and trigger rebuilds. Without a build context, the watch command cannot determine which files to monitor for changes.
context: .