I have a Json array
{ "foo": [ { "a": "bar", "b": 10, "c": 100 } ] }
How to convert it to an array of tuples?
Array(Tuple(String, Int64))
where String
is a
and Int64
is b
I'm assuming you have this as a string in an existing column, if so JSONExtract https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/sql-reference/functions/json-functions#jsonextractjson-indices_or_keys-return_type will do what you need i.e.
SELECT JSONExtract('[{"a":"bar","b":10, "c":100}]', 'Array(Tuple(a String, b Int64, c Int64))')
Query id: ec45c3ce-a5fd-4d70-83a9-4e94b32044ca
┌─JSONExtract('[{"a":"bar","b":10, "c":100}]', 'Array(Tuple(a String, b Int64, c Int64))')─┐
1. │ [('bar',10,100)] │
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
If you have a file e.g.
{"foo":[{"a":"bar","b":10, "c":100}], "other": "a"}
You can either rely on schema inference e.g.
FROM file('temp.json')
Query id: f3a0833a-59eb-47cf-9190-59b47dbe91ee
1. │ [('bar',10,100)] │ a │ Array(Tuple(
a Nullable(String),
b Nullable(Int64),
c Nullable(Int64))) │
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
or specify directly
FROM file('temp.json', 'JSONEachRow', 'foo Array(Tuple(a String, b Int64, c Int64)), other String')
1. │ [('bar',10,100)] │ a │
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec