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Magento changing attribute type in backend

is it possible to change type of a attribute after it has been created. I want to change type of certain attribute to Multi select list. Type of these attribute is currently 'Dropdown'. Actually When I create the attributes, there was no need of multi select when I created it originally, but, now client wants to change it to "Multi select".

Please help me out, I can not create new attributes by deleting the old ones, as, there is some data, and certain part of design is hard coded and depends on certain values of attribute.


  • Yes it's possible programmatically thanks to the method Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup::updateAttribute($entityTypeId, $id, $field, $value=null, $sortOrder=null)

    It's not possible with the Attribute Management in Magento Backend because it has consequence with the existing data. In your case, changing from select to multiselect should be ok but do a database backup and test if your product are still correctly displayed.

    Programmatically, the best way is to do it from an update setup script. I don't know your module but here are some information to do it.

    An update setup script is launched when you provide a new number version to your module and you provide a setup script with the old and new version number as a filename.

    1) Here is the header of a config.xml module, change it to provide a higher version. For example, the new version is

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <version>1.0.1</version><!-- the old one was 1.0.0 -->

    2) you need to have in the config.xml file, between the tags <global>...</global> the following code, please adapt to your situation:

            <mymodule_setup><!-- name that you will give to the folder into the sql folder  -->
                    <class>Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup</class><!-- You can have a setup class which extends this class -->

    3) Then you need to create a setup script in your module folder with the old and new version number app/code/local/mycompany/mymodule/sql/mymodule_setup/mysql4-upgrade-1.0.0-1.0.1.php (mysql4-upgrade-old.version.number-new.version.number.php)

    4) And in this new script set a code like this, please adapt to your situation:

    $installer = $this;
    /*@var $installer Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup */
    $entityTypeId = $installer->getEntityTypeId('catalog_product');
    $idAttributeOldSelect = $this->getAttribute($entityTypeId, 'myold_attribute', 'attribute_id');
    $installer->updateAttribute($entityTypeId, $idAttributeOldSelect, array(
        'frontend_input'    => 'multiselect'

    5) Refresh your Magento page and eventually flush your cache