Search code examples

find the missing sequence in Oracle DB

I have a table date, store code, do_no. some stores have missing sequence number. Data looks like Source. I'm not able to find missing doc_no in all stores. Each store doc_no start digit is different. STO1 starts wth 1, ST02 start with 2,ST03 3 etc..

I'm expecting results to find which store have missing doc_no. example expected results. Expected Results


  • One option is to create list of all doc_no values (span from min to max value per store_code) and then use the minus set operator to extract missing values.

    Sample data:

    SQL> with test (store_code, doc_no) as
      2    (select 'ST03', 32000077 from dual union all
      3     select 'ST03', 32000079 from dual union all
      4     select 'ST03', 32000080 from dual union all
      5     --
      6     select 'ST02', 22000130 from dual union all
      7     select 'ST02', 22000131 from dual union all
      8     select 'ST02', 22000133 from dual
      9    ),

    Query begins here:

     10  temp as
     11    (select store_code, min(doc_no) min_no, max(doc_no) max_no
     12     from test
     13     group by store_code
     14    ),
     15  all_docs as
     16    (select store_code,
     17            min_no + column_value - 1 as doc_no
     18     from temp cross join
     19       table(cast(multiset(select level from dual
     20                           connect by level <= max_no - min_no + 1
     21                          ) as sys.odcinumberlist))
     22    )
     23  select store_code, doc_no from all_docs
     24  minus
     25  select store_code, doc_no from test;
    ------------ ----------
    ST02           22000132
    ST03           32000078