I have an astrojs
project with the following structure.
|- index.astro
|- blog/index.astro
|- blog/[slug].astro
|- blog/[page].astro
Since the project is not static, I render in SSR mode. Since I am a beginner in this subject, I learn everything by doing and trying. Most things look and work pretty well now, but I just can't seem to get the pagination done.
The examples I've seen are all prepared in SSG
mode because they always include getStaticPaths
. However, if you use getStaticPaths
in SSR
mode, you'll get some kind of warning that it doesn't work and is excluded.
In this case, I couldn't figure out how to do pagination.
SSG Routing, SSR Routing and SSG Pagination but it does not contain SSR pagination. It pass datas with this function: return paginate(astronautPages, { pageSize: 2 });
inside getStaticPaths
but it desn't work outside of getStaticPaths
How can I get
const { page } = Astro.props;
[If more details about what I did and the codes are needed for the solution, I will provide them. I didn't add it to avoid confusing you.]
You don't mention why you cannot use SSG, which is usually easiest.
However, if you really need SSR, the problem from your code seems to be that blog/[slug].astro
and blog/[page].astro
refer to the same set of URLs. How is Astro supposed to know which one to choose when you visit /blog/foo123
Try having one route be more specific, like pages/blog/page/[page].astro
. See the astro docs for the rules on which route takes precedence.