I want to create the Webpack loader which loads the PUG AST. With below implementation:
import PugLexer from "pug-lexer";
import generatePugAST from "pug-parser";
const pugAstLoader: (source: string) => string | null = function(source: string): string | null {
try {
const tokens: PugLexer.Token[] = PugLexer("div test");
const AST = generatePugAST(tokens, { filename: "Test.pug", src: source });
return AST;
} catch (error: unknown) {
return null;
export default pugAstLoader;
the error:
ERROR in ./Components/Custom.custom.pug
Module build failed: Error: Final loader (../PugAST_Loader.ts) didn't return a Buffer or String
will be if to run Webpack. If I have understood correctly, the loader must return either Buffer of String. O'K, I suppose all I need is transform AST to string:
import PugLexer from "pug-lexer";
import generatePugAST from "pug-parser";
const pugAstLoader: (source: string) => string | null = function(source: string): string | null {
try {
const tokens: PugLexer.Token[] = PugLexer("div test");
const AST = generatePugAST(tokens, { filename: "Test.pug", src: source });
return JSON.stringify(AST);
} catch (error: unknown) {
return null;
export default pugAstLoader;
Now, I have
ERROR in ./Components/Custom.custom.pug 1:7
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:7)
File was processed with these loaders:
* ../PugAST_Loader.ts
You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders.
> {"type":"Block",// ...
@ ./index.ts 8:0-52 11:12-18
Repro (If you will clone this, please make sure that you are in specific_loader-1
You return a JSON as the string and webpack don't know how to handle it.
The loader should return the string containing valid JS code:
import PugLexer from "pug-lexer";
import generatePugAST from "pug-parser";
const pugAstLoader: (source: string) => string | null = function(source: string): string | null {
try {
const tokens: PugLexer.Token[] = PugLexer("div test");
const AST = generatePugAST(tokens, { filename: "Test.pug", src: source });
return "export default " + JSON.stringify(AST); // <= export JSON
} catch (error: unknown) {
return '';
export default pugAstLoader;
The fixed code above works. No webpack errors.
In the browser console will be displayed the Custom