I trying connect to Clickhouse database in Python with pandahouse . In Dbeaver my connection settings:
host: **.***.**.***
port: 8443
database: db_name
user: user_name
password: ***
SSH: off
SSL: on
SSl mode: None
How to add SSL - setting to pandahouse connection?
I've also tryed clickhouse_connect, but don't get how to add SSL to connection.
I figure out, how to make this connection. At least it's work in my case.
import clickhouse_connect
connect = clickhouse_connect.get_client(
, host = '*.*.*.*'
, port = 8443
, database = 'database_name'
, username = 'user'
, password = 'password'
, secure = 'https'
, verify = 'True'
, server_host_name = 'database_host_name.com'