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Server Action to a Client Component as a prop TS Warning

I am having a TS warning when I pass a server action into my client component. It does not give a compile error, so I could ignore but I'd prefer to get rid of the warning.

TS71007: Props must be serializable for components in the "use client" entry file, "clientStatusFormAction" is invalid.

Here is where my server action is defined:

export default async function EditClientStatus({params}: { params: { id: number } }) {
    const clientStatus = await getClientStatusById(;

     const editClientStatusAction = async (_prevState: any, formData: FormData): Promise<ApiResponse<ClientStatus>> => {
        'use server';

        // do stuff
    return (
            <h1>Edit Client Status</h1>
            <ClientStatusForm clientStatus={clientStatus.result} clientStatusFormAction={editClientStatusAction} />

Here is my client component:

"use client";

// imports removed for brevity

type ClientStatusFormProps = {
    clientStatus: ClientStatus,
    clientStatusFormAction: (_prevState: any, formData: FormData) => Promise<ApiResponse<ClientStatus>>

export default function ClientStatusForm({clientStatus, clientStatusFormAction}: ClientStatusFormProps) {
    const [formState, formAction] = useFormState<Promise<ApiResponse<ClientStatus>>, FormData>(clientStatusFormAction, {success: false, error: {errorType: "", messages: []} });

    return (
        <form action={formAction}>
            <div className="flex flex-wrap mb-6">
                <GenericInput name="statusName" type="text" label="Status Name" required={true} isTwoColumn={true} maxLength={124} defaultValue={clientStatus.statusName} />
                <GenericInput name="description" type="text" label="Status Description" required={true} isTwoColumn={true} maxLength={255} defaultValue={clientStatus.description} />
            <SubmitButton buttonText="Save" />


  • I found a workaround to avoid the lint warning.

    I moved my Server Action function into a separate Typescript file that already had 'use server' directive like so:

    'use server'
    export const editClientStatusFormAction = async (_prevState: ApiResponse<ClientStatus>, formData: FormData): Promise<ApiResponse<ClientStatus>> => {
      //Server action stuff
    export type EditClientStatusAction = typeof editClientStatusFormAction;

    I exported the type of the function and modified my props type on the client component like so:

    type ClientStatusFormProps = {
        clientStatus: ClientStatus,
        clientStatusFormAction: EditClientStatusAction
    export default function ClientStatusForm({clientStatus, clientStatusFormAction}: ClientStatusFormProps) {
        const [formState, formAction] = useFormState<Promise<ApiResponse<ClientStatus>>, FormData>(clientStatusFormAction, {success: false, error: {errorType: "", messages: []} });
        return (
            <form action={formAction}>
                <div className="flex flex-wrap mb-6">
                    <GenericInput name="statusName" type="text" label="Status Name" required={true} isTwoColumn={true} maxLength={124} defaultValue={clientStatus.statusName} />
                    <GenericInput name="description" type="text" label="Status Description" required={true} isTwoColumn={true} maxLength={255} defaultValue={clientStatus.description} />
                <SubmitButton buttonText="Save" />