This is an error after changing to php8.3 and MariaDB 11.3. Where did I go wrong? Please take a look.
echo "$_SESSION[Iyagi_Id]','$today','$img','$title','$weath','$mood1','$mood2','$happy','$love','$c[web_edit]','$text";
The input values are as follows. 1111','2024-5-15','','This is the title.','','','','','','','This is the content.
Maria DB (11.3) Query (line 72)
mysqli_query($connect , "insert into hani_diary (id,day,img,title,weath,mood1,mood2,happy,love,html,text) values('$_SESSION[Iyagi_Id]','$today','$img','$title','$weath','$mood1','$mood2','$happy','$love','$c[web_edit]','".mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $text)."')") or die("입력 에러");
Error message
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Incorrect integer value: '' for column gagebu
at row 1 in /home/gagebu/www/memo/memo_write.php:72 Stack trace: #0 /home/gagebu/www/memo/memo_write.php(72): mysqli_query() #1 {main} thrown in /home/gagebu/www/memo/memo_write.php on line 72
I am trying to insert data into Maria DB.
You are inserting a record, and trying to set the field happy
to a value of an empty string
, or ""
But in your Maria DB table hani_diary
, the field happy
is configured to be an integer.
Either change the configuration of your table to something capable of holding text (for example, text
), or make sure your variable $happy
holds an integer.