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Prometheus INFO metrics with recording rules

How to generate custom INFO metrics with recording rules?

The only workaround for this we've found is to use absent and non_exist together so it creates a custom INFO metric.

e.g. recording rule named "networks_id" defined as:


will create series

networks_id{{network_id="1", network_name="Ethereum Mainnet"}

where "non_exists" is just a string for metric name we don't have scraped...

Is there a more common way to accomplish this with prometheus recording rules?


  • I believe your approach is the most common one for creating vectors with arbitrary labels.

    One alternative way might be using label_replace to add label you want:

    label_replace(vector(1), "label", "label_value", "", "")

    This is particularly useful when you want add label to something already present. But for completely artificial vectors approach with absent is usually preferred, due to it's conciseness (with label_replace, you'd need one call of function for each new label).