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How to load and run a Dymola FMU in a Matlab script?

I am trying to load a FMU (FMI2), generated from Dymola, in a Matlab script. I have tried using the loadlibrary function to load the dll, but I am not sure I have supplied the appropriate headers. I tried with fmi2Functions, fmi2FunctionTypes and fmi2TypesPlatform.

What would be the basic steps to load such a dll, initialize the simulation and then run a step?

Here's my current code:

libname = 'toto';
ext = '.dll';

libfile = [libname ext];

if ~libisloaded(libname)


  • There is no direct FMI support in MATLAB.

    You have the following possibilities:

    • Import your FMU in MATLAB/Simulink (if you have it) either with the native FMU import by Mathworks or e.g. the free FMI-Kit by Dassault systems. From MATLAB you can then interact with the Simulink Model with the imported FMU (e.g. simulate it, get results ...)

    • Get the (commercial) FMI toolbox from Modelon, which brings MATLAB support

    • With the MATLAB-Python inteface ( you should be able to use one of the Python libraries that support FMU simulation such as fmpy ( to load and simulate your FMU from Python. (I have not tested this.)