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Blazor 8 Delegate Type Could Not Be Inferred

I am migrating my Blazor Server from .NET 7 to 8. Apparently it causes error on calling the function this way:

<input type="checkbox" class="form-check" checked="@isChecked" 
       @onchange="@((e) => AddRemoveSelection((int)i.Id!, Convert.ToBoolean(e.Value)))" />

The compiler says

The delegate type could not be inferred

and highlighted => arrow function with red underline.

Here is the method:

private void AddRemoveSelection(int id, bool isSelected)
    if (isSelected)
        // Adding ids to selection
        if (!selectedIds.Any(s => s == id))
        var s = selectedIds.Find(s => s == id);

Is there any change in Blazor on .NET 8 that disables this syntax?


  • I can't generate the error with the code you've show.

    The normal issue when you see this is the IDE/Razor Compiler have got themselves in a twist. I find that restarting the solution normally fixes it. Moving the files outside the IDE [using say File Manager] also often works.

    Here's my MRE based on your code. I've added a refactored version of the input and method that moves all the type conversion to the method.

    @page "/"
    <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
    Welcome to your new app.
    <input type="checkbox" class="form-check" checked="@isChecked"
           @onchange="@((e) => AddRemoveSelection((int)i.Id!, Convert.ToBoolean(e.Value)))" />
    <input type="checkbox" class="form-check" checked="@isChecked"
           @onchange="e => AddRemoveSelection1(i.Id, e)" />
        private bool isChecked;
        private Data i = new();
        private void AddRemoveSelection(int id, bool isSelected)
            // Do something
        // Alternative method
        // let the method do the type conversion work
        private void AddRemoveSelection1(object? id, ChangeEventArgs e)
            //do int convertion
            if (!bool.TryParse(e.Value?.ToString(), out isChecked))
                isChecked = false;
            // Do something
        public class Data
            public int Id { get; set; }