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Both Chat:Chat() and TextChatService:DisplayBubble() not working, at all

I'm trying to produce a chat bubble over a part. It should be straight forward, but the now deprecated Chat:Chat() doesn't work, expectedly, but the alternative, TextChatService:DisplayBubble() failing as well.

local part = game.Workspace.Part

game:GetService("TextChatService"):DisplayBubble(part, "Hello world!")


  • A surprising detail about TextChatService:DisplayBubble is that it only runs on client-sided scripts. This little detail was not under the DisplayBubble function documentation, but a small note in a guide about using Text Chat for NPCs.

    So you need a LocalScript located in an appropriate container, or a Script whose RunContext is set to Client.

    But I was able to get it working with something like this :

    Set up your workspace like this :

    • Workspace
    • |-> Part
    • |->->ProximityPrompt (as a simple object to connect a listener to)
    • |->->Script (set the RunContext property to 'Client')

    Then in your Script :

    local tcs = game:GetService("TextChatService")
    local prox = script.Parent.ProximityPrompt
    local part = script.Parent
    prox.Triggered:Connect(function(playerWhoTriggered : Player)
        tcs:DisplayBubble(part, string.format("Hello %s", playerWhoTriggered.Name))