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Basic Design-Code question with Visual Studio/C#

[Visual Studio version 17.8.3 -- Community 2022]

I have used Visual Studio quite a bit to write VB programs. I am now attempting to use it to write C# programs. (I have a background in Java as well, so the coding isn't an issue.) I am having trouble with the designer-code interplay.

I am getting a designer error when I don't think I should. Is there a "proper" way to entirely delete an event-handler function if it is unwanted?

Scenario: (1) In Designer, I add a label and a button to a form. (2) I accidentally double-click on the label instead of the button when adding an event-handler (3) I go to the code and delete the auto-added Click function code for the label. (Which shouldn't have any code tied to it.) (4) I go back to the designer and it has produced a "Design-Time" error. (The name 'label1_Click' does not exist in the current context )

I can use undo to put the function back and the error goes away. (Then I'm stuck with an empty function.) I can delete the label, then delete the code and all is okay. (But, if I have spent some time setting properties for the label, deleting it because I accidentally mis-clicked is painful.)


  • Try the following:

    VS 2022:

    Open Solution Explorer

    • In VS menu, click View
    • Select Solution Explorer (Ctrl+Alt+L)

    Open Properties Window

    • In VS menu, click View
    • Select Properties Window (F4)

    Open Desired Form in Form Designer (ex: Form1.cs)

    • In Solution Explorer, right-click desired form (ex: Form1.cs).
    • Select View Designer (Shift+F7)

    Remove Desired Event Handler (ex: Click)

    Option 1:

    • In the Form Designer (ex: Form1.cs [Design]), click the desired control (ex: label1) to select it
    • Click enter image description here
    • Scroll down to desired event (ex: Click)
    • Right-click desired event (ex: Click)
    • Select Reset

    Option 2:

    • In Properties Window, select desired control (ex: label1) from the drop-down
    • Click enter image description here
    • Scroll down to desired event (ex: Click)
    • Right-click desired event (ex: Click)
    • Select Reset

    Note: If the event handler contains code, then the event handler code may not be removed from the code view (Solution Explorer => right-click Form1.cs => View Code). If you've already removed the event as described above, then the code for the event handler can be deleted manually.

    Optional - Verify the event subscription has been removed

    • In Solution Explorer, click the arrow next to the desired form (ex: Form1.cs) to expand it
    • Click <form name>.Designer.cs
    • Double-click Windows Form Designer generated code to expand the region (or the arrow to the left of the text)

    Note The code in <form name>.Designer.cs should (almost) never be modified manually and definitely not without having a backup of one's solution.