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Create a Seurat Object in Single Cell analysis in R using GEO matrix.txt data

I am new in bioinformatic analysis and single-cell RNA analysis using Seurat in R. I want to analyze the samples GSM7030509, GSM7030510, GSM7030511, and GSM7030512 from GEO accession GSE224727, but data is in mtx.txt format and I don't know how to create a Seurat Oject.

# Load Data

data11 <- data.table::fread("GSM7030511.matrix.txt.gz", header = F)

                      V1        V2                 V3                 V4                 V5
1:                   GID      Gene CGCGATGGAGGC_Tumor CGACGCTTATTG_Tumor CTGGGTCTCTAC_Tumor
2:             CRERECOMB CRERECOMB                  0                  0                  0
3:  ENSMUSG00000000001.4     Gnai3                  0                  0                  0
4: ENSMUSG00000000003.15      Pbsn                  0                  0                  0
5: ENSMUSG00000000028.14     Cdc45                  0                  0                  0

The first two columns are the Features and the colnames are the Barcodes. The numbers compound the Matrix.

# Create Matrix
matrix1 <- data11[2:48530 , 3:7278]

# Create Features Objects
Features11 <- data11[, 1:2]

The barcodes I already had a saved dataframe, so I've just loaded it

# Create Barcode Objects
bc1 <- read.table('barcodes1.txt', header = F)
Barcd1 <-
# Create Seurat Obj
rep1 <- ReadMtx(
  mtx = matrix1, 
  features = Features11,
  cells = Barcd1

When I try to create the Seurat Object this occur this error:

Error in path.expand(path) : argumento 'path' inválido


  • You should not use header = FALSE with fread() when you actually have headers. It will cause the column type to be character instead of numeric.

    data11 <- data.table::fread("GSM7030511.matrix.txt.gz")
    matrix1 <- as.matrix(data11[,3:ncol(data11)])

    Set row names (here I assume you want to use the Gene column):

    rownames(matrix1) <- data11$Gene

    ReadMtx() is for reading in a file, so it expects a file path as an argument. Since you have already read in the data, create the Seurat object like this:

    rep1 <- CreateSeuratObject(matrix1)