I have a situation where I want to compare every value in one column of a dataframe against every other value in the same column. In this case, for every product, I want to see for Hyundais the comparison to Kias in each warehouse
There are ~10,000 products (500,000 records total) that I want to compare - every products against every other products in the dataset.
Please note that the concat of warehouses in the sample code below is to handle situations where a cross join is needed (warehouse for one product doesn't carry the other)
I'm trying to see if there is an easier/quicker way to do this rather than do the double "for" as per the below. The output is correct but the code takes over a day to run.
How is the most efficient way to make this work?
import pandas as pd
data = {'productid' : ['hyundai', 'hyundai', 'hyundai', 'kia','kia', 'kia'],
'warehouse' : ['New Jersey', 'New York', 'California', 'New Jersey', 'New York', 'California'],
'pct_total' : [35, 45, 20,65,55,80]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
dfoutput2 = pd.DataFrame()
for productid1 in df.productid.unique():
for productid2 in df.productid.unique():
if productid1 != productid2:
allwarehouses=pd.concat( [df1.warehouse, df2.warehouse])
merged1=pd.merge(allwarehouses,df1, how="left", on=["warehouse"])
mergedfinal=pd.merge(merged1,df2, how="left", on=["warehouse"])
mergedfinal['lowervalue'] = mergedfinal[['pct_total_x','pct_total_y']].min(axis=1)
dfoutput2=pd.concat( [dfoutput2, mergedfinal])
Merge against itself and drop duplicates:
_df = df.merge(df, on='warehouse')
_df = _df[lambda d: d['productid_x'] != d['productid_y']]
_df.sort_values(by=['productid_x', 'warehouse'])
# productid_x warehouse pct_total_x productid_y pct_total_y
# 9 hyundai California 20 kia 80
# 1 hyundai New Jersey 35 kia 65
# 5 hyundai New York 45 kia 55
# 10 kia California 80 hyundai 20
# 2 kia New Jersey 65 hyundai 35
# 6 kia New York 55 hyundai 45
However, if your goal is just to find the lowest pct_total
by warehouse, this may be better solved with a group-by, df.loc[df.groupby('warehouse')['pct_total'].idxmin()]