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Data prop responsiveness issue when input bind:value in Svelt

When export let data is an object, there is a data prop reactivity problem when using input bind:value.

For example, in the following case

export let data = {name:"jack", age:31};
$: man = data;
<input type='text' bind:value={} >

//input typing jhon
// => jhon
// => jhon

When the bare value of the input changes, the value of the data also changes at the same time. I think it's because of shallow copying.

So, in the case below where deep copy is performed,

export let data = {name:"jack", age:31};
$: man = structuredClone(data);
<input type='text' bind:value={} >

//input typing impossible

Input values ​​cannot be changed.

Ultimately, what I want is for only the value of man to change depending on the input value. (So ​​that the data value does not change)

What am I misunderstanding?

Thank you for reading my post.

let data = {name:"jack", age:31};
$: man = data;
<input type='text' bind:value={} >

//input typing jhon
// => jack
// => jhon

In the case of let data, it does what I want, but I have to use export let data. There is also a way to use $, but more than anything, I want to understand how the above behavior occurs. I would appreciate it if someone could explain.


  • The reactive statement($:...) keeps overwriting variable man whenever is updated fby bind:value...

    export let data = {name:"jack", age:31};
    $: man = Object.assign({},data);
    • Both man and data are exposed to be monitored

    When typing input field, is updated, which triggers variable man to be reset by the reactive statement($:...).

    To avoid it, variable man should be removed from the reactive statement([code-01]).

    export let data = {name:"jack", age:31};
    // (1)
    let man 
    // (2)
    const clone = (src) => man = structuredClone(src)
    // (3)
    $: clone(data)
    <input type='text' bind:value={} >
    <h1>data value: {}</h1>
    <h1>man value: {}</h1>
    1. declare variable man
    2. declare function to clone the data
    3. variable data is exposed to be monitored is preserved whenever bind:value... changes the text.



    export let data = {name:"jack", age:31};
    let man
    const clone = (src) => man = structuredClone(src)
    $: clone(data)
    <input type='text' bind:value={} >
    <h1>data value: {}</h1>
    <h1>man value: {}</h1>


    import ReactiveInput from "./ReactiveInput.svelte"  
    const jack = {name: 'jack', age: 31};
    const tom = {name: 'Tom', age: 24};
    const mark = {name: 'Mark', age: 43};
    const persons = [jack, tom, mark]
    let idx = 0;
    const changePerson = () => {
        idx = (idx + 1) % persons.length 
    <ReactiveInput data={persons[idx]}></ReactiveInput>
    <button on:click={changePerson}>change</button>