I have a calculated column with a list of number of days calculated showing the time of referral to admission for several hospitals. I need to show separate guages for each hospital or another visual to show the percentage of admissions that occurred within 3 days from referral for each hospital. I have tried several measures using calculate and count but cannot get this right. Can anyone help please with the following:
Total referrals for each hospital % of admissions <= 3 days
I have tried the following:
Percentage =
COUNT ( 'column'[DateOfReferral] ),
SUM ( 'reporting CCAdmission'[Waiting Time] ) <= 3,
without your code i can't do that much but this is a guess i can do:
TotalReferrals = COUNT('column'[DateOfReferral])
AdmissionsWithin3Days =
COUNTROWS('reporting CCAdmission'),
'reporting CCAdmission'[Waiting Time] <= 3
PercentageWithin3Days =
DIVIDE ( [AdmissionsWithin3Days], [TotalReferrals], 0 )