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Create a list of dictionaries from a list of strings

I'm attempting to pass a list of dictionaries to an Ansible role that expects a variable defined per the below.

  - path: /A/1
    state: directory
  - path: /B/1
    state: directory

Let's say I have a list of root directories:

  - A
  - B

And a list of common sub directories:

  - 1
  - 2
  - 3

Is there an easy way to construct the above var1 list that doesn't involve typing out all of the path combinations?

I know how to combine the paths (root_dirs | product(sub_dirs) | map("join", "\")), but I am not sure how to turn that into var1.

I am trying to do this in an AWX template and want to avoid creating a playbook with loops.
Is this possible?


  • The dict_kv filter can help you turn a single value into a dictionary.
    You can, off course, map it on a list.

    From there on, you can also map a combine filter to add the desired state.

    Given the task:

    # Mind that the extra empty string item 
    # is there to prefix the `root_dirs` with a slash
    - debug:
        msg: >-
              | product(root_dirs)
              | map('join', '/')
              | product(sub_dirs)
              | map('join', '/')
              | map('community.general.dict_kv', 'path')
              | map('combine', {'state': 'directory'})
          - A
          - B
          - 1
          - 2
          - 3

    You get your expected a list of dictionaries:

    ok: [localhost] => 
      - path: /A/1
        state: directory
      - path: /A/2
        state: directory
      - path: /A/3
        state: directory
      - path: /B/1
        state: directory
      - path: /B/2
        state: directory
      - path: /B/3
        state: directory