I dont code at all so take this as making a good action, im running a regedit macro for a game and it conflicts with my autohotkey script, as in macro i mean multiple and faster inputs for each key stroke, so it makes it easy to miss the hotkeys, as the key starts repeating itself if i press it for "too long". I want to know if there's a way to make to make each hotkey a hard once per stroke if that makes any sense, so even if i hold it it doesnt start repeating itself.
5::sendinput 2zzz capslock::sendinput 2xxxx
An example of the ahk script
As i said i dont know how to code.
The simplest way to do this would be by using KeyWait
SendInput 2
KeyWait 5
SendInput 2
KeyWait CapsLock
However, you'll quickly run into threading problems. To see this in action, using this example, press and hold 5, then press and hold CapsLock, then release 5 and try pressing it again. It'll no longer send 2 (that is, the 5
hotkey will fail to trigger because CapsLock
hotkey's KeyWait
has effectively overridden its own). Similarly, if #MaxThreadsPerHotkey
is configured to anything but 1, each hotkey, when held, will trigger that many times before stopping.
Therefore, a better way would be to keep track of what key has been pressed in a shared object (source). Here's how that would look:
SendInput 2
SendInput 2
Static PrevRep := Object()
If PrevRep[A_ThisHotkey]
If InStr(A_ThisHotkey,"Up")
PrevRep[SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,1,-3)] := False
PrevRep[A_ThisHotkey] := True
Hotkey %A_ThisHotkey%%A_Space%Up,%A_ThisHotkey%