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What does the `et` timestamp stand for in the Android Location object?

I got the following location object from LocationResult, and I was wondering what the et timestamp is?

Location[fused 37.421998,-122.084000, hAcc=12.236 et=+3d16h46m21s252ms alt=154.0 vAcc=1.6407026 vel=1.2971644 sAcc=1.5 bear=15.871763 bAcc=45.0]

I couldn't find any useful information in the docs either.


  • If you look at the source code to Location, you will see that toString() includes:

            s.append(" et=");
            TimeUtils.formatDuration(getElapsedRealtimeMillis(), s);

    So, et is the value of getElapsedRealtimeMillis(). According to the documentation, that is "the time of this fix in milliseconds of elapsed realtime since system boot".