I am tracking down some concurrency issues and it would be very helpful to have the output lines from each thread in a different color when logging to a console. I am on OS X. Could this be done using a conversion pattern to output some control codes or would it need a custom appender? Anyone know how?
2011-10-21 12:14:42,859 ["http-bio-8080"-exec-9] DEBUG ...
2011-10-21 12:14:43,198 ["http-bio-8080"-exec-10] DEBUG ...
The lines for exec-9 and exec-10 should be in different colors.
You can extend PatternLayout
and override format(ILoggingEvent)
. There you could look at LoggingEvent.getThreadName()
to get some color based on the thread name (odd/even, maybe?).
In order to output color to the console, you'll need to use an ANSI Escape Sequence.
For instance, to output a red text:
"\u001b[" // Prefix - see [1]
+ "0" // Brightness
+ ";" // Separator
+ "31" // Red foreground
+ "m" // Suffix
+ text // the text to output
+ "\u001b[m " // Prefix + Suffix to reset color
Here some examples:
implementation by Ingo Thon.Just to add, maybe you could also achieve this by setting in the MDC a variable "randColor" with a random ANSI color code, for instance, in a Filter
, and using it in the conversionPattern
of a standard org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
in your log4j's console appender configuration:
<appender name="consoleAppender" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender">
<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern"
value="\u001b[0;%X{randColor}m ....... \u001b[m" />