I have two dataframes df_old and df_new.
df_old has a date column and a bunch of other columns. df_new has ONLY a date column, which is also set as its index.
The dates in df_new are a superset of df_old
I want to concatenate the data frames, such that the columns of df_old line up with the dates in df_new, and any column that doesn't line up will have Nan.
df_new = pd.DataFrame()
df_new["date"] = pd.date_range(start='31/12/2023', end='31/12/2024')
df_new.set_index('date', inplace=True)
df_new = pd.concat([df_new , df_old], join="outer")
after doing this, however, the 'date' column name of df_new is now an empty string.
Any advice here? I tried renaming the column by index reference [0] but no joy
Thanks in advance
"df_new has ONLY a date column, which is also set as its index." so you almost have an Index (actually an DataFrame without columns).
Thus you should rather reindex
out = df_old.reindex(df_new.index)
Given your example of df_old
, it looks like "date" is the column axis name.
You could either keep it and remove the index name:
out = df_old.reindex(df_new.index.rename(None))
Or remove it:
out = df_old.reindex(df_new.index).rename_axis(columns=None)
Or both:
out = df_old.reindex(df_new.index).rename_axis(index=None, columns=None)
Or move it back to column:
out = df_old.reindex(df_new.index).rename_axis(columns=None).reset_index()