In my Samsung S2 I have a Microsoft Exchange Mail Account and use a Zimbra Mail Server.
The standard email app doesn’t render my html mail. I get all the html source code with the mail text. The synchronization with my calendar and mails works perfectly.
I installed a second mail app called “touchdown” (only 30 day trial) which is able to render the mails correctly. So I guess it’s not the fault of Zimbra.
Does anybody know why I can’t render the mails with the standard mail app? And more important – is there a way or workaround to chance the rendering for html mails?
Help would be much appreciated.
I do believe that the problem is caused by the new version of Zimbra (7). I have the problem myself, but i just got the phone yesterday and HTML rendering didn't work at all yet. However, a customer of our company told us, that he has the problem only sience Zimbra was updated to the new version.
Edit: As I found out, the problem is on the Samsung Galaxy SII site. However, Zimbra 7.1.3 has kind of a fix for this, it uses the old protocol version for Samsung phones. Update Zimbra, re-create the account on the phone. The Headers wont show anymore. No HTML-Mail though.