I'm currently working with Pydantic's URL type for URL validation in my Python project. However, it seems that Pydantic does not currently provide a built-in mechanism for this. So what is the best approach to restrict a URL to a specific list of hosts in Pydantic?
I have a pydantic model called Media which has an url attribute. I want the url to be restricted to certain websites or hosts."
from pydantic import BaseModel, AnyUrl
class Media(BaseModel):
url: AnyUrl # the url host should only be from x.com or y.com
As you already mentioned there is no built-in support for doing so. Here an AfterValidator
can do the job:
from typing import Annotated, TypeAlias
from pydantic import AfterValidator, AnyUrl, BaseModel
valid_hosts = {"www.google.com", "www.yahoo.com"}
def check_specific_hosts(url: AnyUrl) -> AnyUrl:
if url.host in valid_hosts:
return url
raise ValueError("It's not in the list of accepted hosts")
AcceptedUrl: TypeAlias = Annotated[AnyUrl, AfterValidator(check_specific_hosts)]
class Media(BaseModel):
url: AcceptedUrl
except ValueError as e:
1 validation error for Media
Value error, It's not in the list of accepted hosts [type=value_error, input_value='http://www.facebook.com', input_type=str]
For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.6/v/value_error