Search code examples

Vue.js 2: Multiple `template` with `v-for` possible?

For a customer project, I need to use Vue.js version 2.

In a component, I have 2 iterations over some field definition JSONs that use <template> with v-for.

Whichever iteration of these I put first, will get ignored - the content never shows up. If I change their order, it will be the respective other one.

HEAVILY EDITED: now includes a reproducible example, hopefully


// @vitest-environment jsdom

import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest'
import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'
import ConcreteFormComponentFillingSlots from '@/__tests__/ConcreteFormComponentFillingSlots.vue'

describe('My bug with multiple template v-for iterations', () => {
    it('renders all form fields', () => {
        const wrapper = mount(ConcreteFormComponentFillingSlots)

        const renderedHtml = wrapper.html()

        console.log(`\n\n### + ${renderedHtml}\n\n####`)
        expect(renderedHtml).includes('Search | Key: |searchResultSlot1|')
        expect(renderedHtml).includes('Search | Key: |searchResultSlot2|')
        expect(renderedHtml).includes('Upload | Key: |uploadResultSlot1|')
        expect(renderedHtml).includes('Upload | Key: |uploadResultSlot2|')



export default {
    name: 'GenericFormComponentWithSlots',
    props: {
        id: String,
        formConfig: Object
    data () {
        return {
            pageSelectionIndex: 0,
            sectionSelectionIndex: 0
    methods: {
        getFieldLabel (field) {
            return field.label
    computed: {
        getSelectedSection () {
            return this.formConfig.sections[this.sectionSelectionIndex]

    <div v-bind:id="`c_smart-form-body_some_id`"
        <transition-group name="show" tag="div">
            <template v-for="(field) in getSelectedSection.fields">
                <div v-bind:key="`${}_${pageSelectionIndex}_outerForm`"
                    <div v-if="field.type === 'Slot'">
                        <p v-html="'Slot goes here: field(' + + ')'"/>
                        <slot v-bind:name="`field(${})`"
                    <div v-else>
                        <p v-html="'Unknown field type: ' + field.type + ' for field ' +"/>

<style lang="less">


import GenericFormComponentWithSlots from '@/__tests__/GenericFormComponentWithSlots.vue'
import theUserForm from '@/__tests__/the-user-form.json'
import _ from 'lodash'

export default {
    name: 'ConcreteFormComponentFillingSlots',
    mixins: [
    components: {
    props: {
    data () {
        return {
            customForm: _.cloneDeep(theUserForm),
            uploadFieldConfigs: {
                uploadResultSlot1: {
                    isUploading: false,
                    slotName: 'field(uploadResultSlot1)'
                uploadResultSlot2: {
                    isUploading: false,
                    slotName: 'field(uploadResultSlot2)'
            searchFieldConfigs: {
                searchResultSlot1: {
                    slotName: 'field(searchResultSlot1)'
                searchResultSlot2: {
                    slotName: 'field(searchResultSlot2)'

    <div class="custom-task-content-container">
        <GenericFormComponentWithSlots v-if="customForm" id="customForm" v-bind:form-config=this.customForm
            <!-- Iterates over uploadFieldConfigs; fieldConfig will be the child object, key will be the key under which it is stored as part of uploadFieldConfigs -->
            <!-- '#' is a shorthand for v-slot: (referencing the slot name dynamically is easier with the shorthand) -->
            <!-- '=data' passes in the field data, and we pass name and field in EssentialSmartForm, cf. -->
            <template v-for="(fieldConfig, key) in uploadFieldConfigs" #[fieldConfig.slotName]="data">
                <p :key="key + '_upload_debug1'" v-html="'Upload | Key: |' + key + '| Data: |' + JSON.stringify(data) + '|'"></p>
            <template v-for="(fieldConfig, key) in searchFieldConfigs" #[fieldConfig.slotName]="slotProps">
                <p :key="key + '_upload_debug2'" v-html="'Search | Key: |' + key + '| Data: |' + JSON.stringify(slotProps) + '|'"></p>

<style lang="less" scoped>


  "id": "myForm",
  "version": 1,
  "headline": "My form",
  "sections": [
      "id": "BaseInfo",
      "title": "Some Hints",
      "allowMultiple": false,
      "fields": [
          "id": "searchResultSlot1",
          "type": "Slot",
          "label": "Search result slot 1",
          "keyLabel": "labelName",
          "isReadOnly": false
          "id": "searchResultSlot2",
          "type": "Slot",
          "label": "Search result slot 2",
          "keyLabel": "labelName",
          "isReadOnly": false
          "id": "uploadResultSlot1",
          "type": "Slot",
          "label": "Upload Result Slot 1",
          "upload": true,
          "required": true
          "id": "uploadResultSlot2",
          "type": "Slot",
          "label": "Upload Result Slot 2",
          "upload": true,
          "required": true
      "defaultValues": {
      "pages": [{}]


import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue2'
import { fileURLToPath, URL } from "node:url";

export default {
    plugins: [ vue() ],
    resolve: {
        alias: {
            '@': fileURLToPath(new URL('./src', import.meta.url))


    "name": "My-App",
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        "serve": "vue-cli-service serve",
        "build": "vue-cli-service build",
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        "coverage": "vitest --coverage --environment jsdom --root src/"
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    "browserslist": [
        "> 1%",
        "last 2 versions",
        "not dead"

EDIT: The issue remains if I generate the slots in the same component where I fill them. It disappears if I just have two iterations and don't use any slots.


  • It seems to be such a strange error, and this seems to be caused by the same name of the iterator fieldConfig for both v-fors. It looks to me that the variables are shared for whatever reason. The easiest fix for this is to use a different iterator variable name for each v-for loops, e.g:

                <template v-for="(fieldConfig, key) in uploadFieldConfigs" #[fieldConfig.slotName]="data">
                    <p :key="key + '_upload_debug1'" v-html="'Upload | Key: |' + key + '| Data: |' + JSON.stringify(data) + '|'"></p>
                <template v-for="(fieldConfig2, key) in searchFieldConfigs" #[fieldConfig2.slotName]="slotProps">
                    <p :key="key + '_upload_debug2'" v-html="'Search | Key: |' + key + '| Data: |' + JSON.stringify(slotProps) + '|'"></p>

    Notice how I used fieldConfig2 for the iterator on the searchFieldConfigs. Given this, I suggest to change the key name too with something unique for each loops.