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restart activity in android

I have one activity A, that has one button and one list view which shows names of books . on click of the button, activity B starts, there user fill the book form and save it . when he press back button , user comes to activity A. Here the book name should be updated in listview. I think I have to write some code in onResume() . Can u please tell me what to write. I am using customised list view.


  • Start activity B with startActivityForResult() and use method onActivityResult() to restart or process the new data

    For example, to start Activity B:

    String callingActivity = context.getLocalClassName();
    Intent newActivity = new Intent(getApplicationContext(),ActivityB.class);
    startActivityForResult(newActivity, 0);

    Then somewhere in your Activity A class:

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data){
            if(requestCode == 0){
                // do processing here

    The other answers should suffice, but onResume() can be called in cases where the activity is resumed by other means.

    To simply restart Activity A when user presses back button from Activity B, then put the following inside the onActivityResult:

    if(requestCode == 0){

    And in the onCreate of Activity A, add starterintent = getIntent();

    Just remember to initiate the variable with Intent starterintent; somewhere before your onCreate is called.


    public class ActivityA extends ListActivity {
      Intent starterintent;
      public void onCreate(Bundle b){
        starterintent = getIntent();
      protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data){
        if(requestCode == 0){
      private void startActivityB(){
        String callingActivity = context.getLocalClassName();
        Intent newActivity = new Intent(getApplicationContext(),ActivityB.class);
        startActivityForResult(newActivity, 0);

    Then just call startActivityB() from a button click or whatever