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Required sort jcl to copy last 3 days data from date format mmddyyyy in alphanumeric variable

I have input file with 10100 RL with date in MMDDYYYY format at 7033 position which is picx(08), I want to copy only last three days data.

I tried so many date functions but did not work.


  • You can use DFSORT to filter the last 3 day records from current date quite easily. Since your date format is a bit different, we need to re-arrange that in a temp area.

    Assuming your Input file has an RECFM=FB then the following JCL will give you the desired results

    //STEP0100 EXEC PGM=SORT                         
    //SYSOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                           
    //SORTIN   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=Your.Input.FB.LRECL.10100.file
    //SORTOUT  DD SYSOUT=*                           
    //SYSIN    DD *                                  
      OPTION COPY                                    
      INREC OVERLAY=(10101:7037,04,         # CCYY   
                           7033,02,         # MONTH  
                           7035,02)         # DAY    
      OUTFIL BUILD=(01,10100),                       

    PS: If your input file is Variable length(VB) then you need to use different control cards.