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Is there an equivalent to an 'containsExact' function in Cypress?

I have a Cypress E2E test suite in which I want to search for row in a table by the text displayed in the table cells.

I've had some success with the following:

    .contains('tr', 'The Exact Row I Want To Click')
    .then($row => {

But I run into a problem when more than one row contains that text.

For example, if the first two table rows have a cell with the following text:

'Not The Exact Row I Want To Click'

'The Exact Row I Want To Click'

The first row is returned rather than the second - because it does contain the text I'm searching for, just not the exact text I'm searching for.

Is there any sort of a .containsExact function for this sort of thing?

Thanks much


  • There is a good example of exact matching here How can I use contains to match exact string.

    In your case, run this code

    const reExactMatch = new RegExp('^The Exact Row I Want To Click$')
    const match = reExactMatch.test('The Exact Row I Want To Click')
    const noMatch = reExactMatch.test('Not The Exact Row I Want To Click')
    console.log(match, noMatch)  // true, false

    In the Cypress .contains() command you can use the short form with back-slash delimiters, which creates the regex on the fly.

    cy.contains('td', /^The Exact Row I Want To Click$/)   // look for cell with text
      .parent('tr')                                        // find it's row element