- name: Check running processes
shell: ps aux | grep -i "[t]omcat"
register: tomcat_process_cmd
The result of the ps aux | grep ...
command is (wrapped for readability):
tomcat 1183735 0.2 33.3 14596700 2631076 ? Sl May10 8:54
-Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.protocol=plain ssl
-Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.authentication=none simple DIGEST-MD5
-Dorg.apache.catalina.security.SecurityListener.UMASK=0027 -Xmx8192m
-Dignore.endorsed.dirs= -classpath
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
The value of tomcat_process_cmd.stdout_lines
is stored in the dataresult
- name: tomcat process stdout
dataresult: "{{ tomcat_process_cmd.stdout_lines}}"
I am trying to extract the catalina home,catalina base and logging properties from the ps aux | grep tomcat command, if multiple tomcat instances are running i would like to set them in a list
users:[useraA, userB]
catalinahome:[catalinahome1, catalinahome2]
I tried
- name: Create dictionary for tomusers
tom_users: "{{tom_users | default([]) + [ item.split()[0]] }}"
loop: "{{ dataresult }}" --- stdout_lines
for catalina home and base i am unable to retrieve the data please assist
here is what i tried
- name: Create dictionary for java.util.logging.config.file
log_propss: "{{ item.split()[8] | item.0.split('=') }}"
loop: "{{ dataresult }}"
when: tomcat_process_cmd.stdout | regex_search('logging.config.file')
If the output from the ps aux
command produces what you show in your question, then each item in dataresult
will be one line of output from ps
One path forward is to create a dictionary from all the -D
arguments that appear in the command line. That is, we can do something like this:
- name: Extract metadata from `ps` output
tomcat_users: "{{ tomcat_users|default([]) + [ item.split()[0]] }}"
tomcat_info: "{{ tomcat_info|default([]) + [item.split() | select('match', '-D') | map('regex_replace', '-D', '') | map('split', '=') | community.general.dict] }}"
loop: "{{ dataresult }}"
- debug:
user: "{{ item.0 }}"
catalina.home: "{{ item.1['catalina.home']|default('<unknown>') }}"
catalina.base: "{{ item.1['catalina.base']|default('<unknown>') }}"
logging: "{{ item.1['java.util.logging.config.file']|default('<unknown>')}}"
loop: "{{ tomcat_users | zip(tomcat_info) }}"
label: "{{ item.0 }}"
Note that we're using the community.general.dict
filter, which you should have available in a typical Ansible install but if not you'll need to install the community.general
We're creating two lists:
is a list of usernames extracted from the first field of the ps
is a list of dictionaries extracted from the -D
arguments in each command line.Running this against your sample data produces:
TASK [debug] *********************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=tomcat) => {
"msg": {
"catalina.base": "/opt/apache/tomcat/9.0.85",
"catalina.home": "/opt/apache/tomcat/9.0.85",
"logging": "/opt/apache/tomcat/9.0.85/conf/logging.properties",
"user": "tomcat"
If for someone reason you can't use community.general.dict
, drop the following into filter_plugins/make_dict.py
(adjacent to your playbook):
def make_dict(v):
return dict(v)
class FilterModule:
def filters(self):
return {"make_dict": make_dict}
And then replace community.general.dict
in the above with make_dict