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Prevent VS code "skipping" quote keypress if next char is a quote

In VS code when the cursor is placed in front of a quote character, and you press that same character on your keyboard, instead of inserting a character as you would expect it just positions the cursor after the already existing quote character. I want to disable this behavior and instead, insert the quote that I typed, but I cannot find a setting to do this.

I've searched the settings for "auto", "quote", and a few other keywords and wasn't able to find anything.

Added note: It does this with brackets and parenthesis as well, which I would also like to disable. It's not quote specific so it's likely not in the quotes related settings.


  • Check the editor.autoClosingOvertype setting. By default, it should be set to auto. You want to set it to never:

    enter image description here

      "editor.autoClosingOvertype": "never"