I am using OrdinaryDiffEq
to solve a set of ordinary differential equations. During the time integration I would like to extend the solution vector and change the problem. For that I use a callback of type DiscreteCallback
and reinitialize the integrator with the new problem:
using OrdinaryDiffEq
function modify_integrator!(integrator)
# Define the extended ODE.
function growth!(du, u, p, t)
du[1] = 0.1*u[1]
du[2] = 0.2*u[2]
du[3] = 0.3*u[3]
u0 = [integrator.u[1]; integrator.u[2]; 1.0]
tspan = (integrator.t, 10.0)
# Define the modified problem.
prob = ODEProblem(growth!, u0, tspan, callback=callbacks)
# Set up the integrator for the modified problem.
iter_old = integrator.iter
naccept_old = integrator.stats.naccept
integrator = init(prob, integrator.alg, dt=integrator.dt, callback=integrator.opts.callback)
integrator.iter = iter_old
integrator.stats.naccept = naccept_old
# Define the ODE.
function growth!(du, u, p, t)
du[1] = 0.1*u[1]
du[2] = 0.2*u[2]
# Define the initial conditions and time span.
u0 = [1.0; 1.0]
tspan = (0.0, 10.0)
# Define the callbacks.
condition(u, t, integrator) = t > 9
cb = DiscreteCallback(condition, modify_integrator!, save_positions=(false,false))
callbacks = CallbackSet(cb)
prob = ODEProblem(growth!, u0, tspan, callback=callbacks)
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
The integrator
starts with a u-vector with 2 components and the end result should be a vector with 3 components. But my end result is as if the modified integrator got ignored entirely and the original problem is being solved. In my debugging attempts I could verify that the modified growth!
function is indeed called, but with no effect on the end solution. It is as if ODEProblem
retained the original problem somehow.
The function reinit!
seems like it could almost help me out here, but I don't see how to give it a modified problem.
This worked for me. I modified the callback function so that it creates a new integrator with the new problem. I then overwrite the problem of the integrator and resize the problem.
using OrdinaryDiffEq
# Define the extended ODE.
function growth_new!(du, u, p, t)
du[1] = 0.1*u[1]
du[2] = 0.2*u[2]
du[3] = 0.3*u[3]
println("growth_new: t = ", t)
function modify_integrator!(integrator)
if length(integrator.u) == 2
u0 = [integrator.u[1]; integrator.u[2]; 1.0]
tspan = (integrator.t, 60.0)
# Define the modified problem.
prob = ODEProblem(growth_new!, u0, tspan, callback=callbacks)
# Set up the integrator for the modified problem.
integrator = init(prob, integrator.alg, dt=integrator.dt, callback=integrator.opts.callback)
resize!(integrator, 3)
# Copy over some old data and parameters.
integrator.cache = integrator2.cache
integrator.dt = integrator2.dt
integrator.f = integrator2.f
integrator.iter = integrator2.iter
integrator.q11 = integrator2.q11
integrator.qold = integrator2.qold
integrator.u = integrator2.u
integrator.uprev = integrator2.uprev
integrator.uprev2 = integrator2.uprev2
# Define the ODE.
function growth!(du, u, p, t)
du[1] = 0.1*u[1]
du[2] = 0.1*u[2]
println("growth: t = ", t)
# Define the initial conditions and time span.
u0 = [1.0; 1.0]
tspan = (0.0, 60.0)
# Define the callbacks.
condition(u, t, integrator) = (t > 6)# && (t < 8)
cb = DiscreteCallback(condition, modify_integrator!, save_positions=(false,false))
callbacks = CallbackSet(cb)
prob = ODEProblem(growth!, u0, tspan, callback=callbacks)
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
This might not be the cleanest solution, but it works and can be used as starting point for something more elegant.