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Java static members of abstract classes

I have following setup: superclass Vehicle with atribute capacity and two subclasses Bus and Tram. All trams have the same capacity as well as all buses (it should be static attribute), but capacity of a tram may be different from capacity of a bus. How to implement such approach in Java?

I have partially solved the problem just ignoring the fact that capacity should be static attribute for all subclasses (no static attributes).


  • You should encapsulate the capacity in a getCapacity method. That method can then look for an appropriate static variable for the specific class, so for example:

    abstract class Vehicle {
        public int getCapacity();
    class Tram {
        private static final int TRAM_CAPACITY = 200;
        public int getCapacity() {
            return TRAM_CAPACITY;
    class Bus {
        private static final int BUS_CAPACITY = 100;
        public int getCapacity() {
            return BUS_CAPACITY;

    This has the added bonus that if one day you want to calculate the capacity based on some other property (for example the number of seats on a tram given a single cart capacity multiplied by the number of carts) you can modify getCapacity directly without modifying the client code.

    class Tram {
        private static final int CART_CAPACITY = 100;
        private int carts;
        public Tram(int carts) { this.carts = carts; }
        public int getCapacity() {
            return CART_CAPACITY * carts;